About eGenie Forum

Voice of the Industry

eGenie is committed to be the Voice of the Industry “for the Industry, by the industry, with the industry“. The eGenie Forum (aka “eGenie”), Singapore was formally established on May 2018 as not-for-profit entity. eGenie is one of premier institute in Singapore to promote a greener, safer, swifter and more productive industry among the shipping stakeholders– comprising ports, vessels, seafarers, shippersglobal in nature and very inter-connected.  A good example is the global Single Window In Facilitation of Trade (SWIFT) system for implementing unified data model for trading data exchange (tradex) for digital port clearance processes (aka Marine 4.0/Supply Chain 4.0 work packages to drive paper to paperless, automated and AI-Assisted workflows).

Like all sectors, the maritime industry is charting new normal frontiers amidst challanges- disruption, digitalization, data decarbonization, digital automation platform (4D). eGenie actively conducts workshops, roundtables, seminars and are often called upon to provide independent feedback on industry matter of interests to its members- strengthening shipping value chains and generate digital roadmap (RM) for digital transformational changes (minimizng waste and emissions and achieving efficiency and effectiveness) for performance and productivity and forging deep Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) aligned to Industry Transformation Maps (ITM). (eGenie Forum is founded by Mr. Peter Machado and Mr. Lim Boon Kwang).